Saturday, September 7, 2019

Mythras World of Warcraft

This has been my hobby project for the past few weeks. Exploring how I might use Mythras Classic Fantasy to run a game set in the World of Warcraft setting. This came up, partially, because of the new launch of WoW Classic. I enjoyed WoW Classic a lot... and the expansions after Lich King not so much. But the whole time I was playing I was reminded how much better tabletop RPGs were for adventure gaming. I mean, sure, you get the fancy visuals, the music, the fast combat... but you give up so much depth and potential. So many WoW quests are just variations on 'go here and kill this'. You can't bargain with foes, you can't sit in the inn and talk to the other patrons, you can't make friends with a murloc...
There are shedloads of interesting things I'd want to investigate... but no content has been written for them... so they exist as ongoing enigmas.

Anyway, I always thought it would be fun to play a 'real' RPG set there.
I knew there had been a 3.X game based on WoW, but I was never on the bandwagon for that system and it skipped my notice. From what I've read it's a good set of books for the setting lore, but didn't try very hard to recreate the PC classes and their iconic abilities.

So that's where I'm starting with Mythras/Classic Fantasy. Going through the Classic WoW classes and trying to sort out what's unique about each one. I'd played a bit of each of them during Classic WoW, so I wasn't blank slating it.
I started with the Warlock, since that's the class I'd played the most... and quickly ran into a big heaping pile of setting lore I had to suss out in order to understand how the Warlocks work in the setting.

See, the written lore for WoW doesn't necessarily match up with how the game plays.

In the game the Warlock trainers are usually found in hidden places, like the musty basements of taverns. It isn't mentioned so much during the game, but Warlocks are rightly pariahs and best keep their practices under wraps. In-game you can run through the streets of Stormwind with your demon pets out, but in lore-based Stormwind that would NOT end well.
So, early decision, I'm going to favor the lore over how things work in the MMO.

Another thing that I quickly realized is that the map for WoW is severely distorted. Areas are sized for video game capabilities and Player attention spans. But each zone really oughtta be MUCH larger. Stormwind is the size of a large village.
My first inclination there is to just expand the existing map and dot in more stuff... more streets and canals in Stormweind, more farms and mines in Elwynn Forest... but keep the same base layout and features. Places you fly past in the MMO, like Goldshire, should be a major hub of commerce (and have more than 3 buildings).

So, LOTS of work to do... and I'm not sure this will ever get on the table. But on the flip-side, I am learning a lot more about Mythras and Classic Fantasy as I look for matches with WoWs races, classes, and factions. Running Warlocks along the lines of the cults in Mythras seems fitting.
We'll see how it goes. I might lose interest quickly... or I might dig in deeper. Either way, it's not nearly the time sink that re-upping to play Classic WoW would be.

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